• *All orders ship from China, we stand by our country and people.
  • United States:
  • We need 3-5 business days (Monday to Friday) to process for all order to United States 
  • United States Delivery:
  • For Shipment to United States, we offer standard delivery  10-15 business days(Monday to Friday). at $6.99 per order the package will be sent via EMS shipment.
  • Note:Delivery times can vary but should not take longer than 3 weeks for United States orders. Please contact us by email [email protected] you have not received your parcel by this day.
  • North America
  • Countries Shipping Cost
  • USA Shipping $6.99 Free Shipping Above $50
  • Tracking and Updates:
  • Once your order is processed and shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number via email. This allows you to track the progress of your package and stay informed about its estimated delivery date. You can also log into your account on our website to view the status of your shipment and access any relevant updates.
  • Customer Support:
  • If you have any questions or require assistance regarding shipping, our dedicated customer support team is here to help. You can reach out to us via [email/phone], and our friendly representatives will be happy to assist you with any inquiries or concerns you may have.
  • Email:  [email protected]
  • Phone: +8616582991248